If you want to pursue a factory worker job in Malta, you must understand the requirements of the position. It takes a high degree of dexterity, a good working knowledge of basic measuring devices, and the ability to follow written specifications. You should also be able to follow simple math calculations, and meet the requirements for visual accuracy. The job requires flexibility in working hours and rotation of responsibilities. In Malta, the average salary for factory workers is €26,000 per year.

Average salary for a factory worker in Malta
The average wage for a factory worker in Malta is EUR13,440 per year. This equates to EUR6 per hour. The average salary varies widely, depending on the sector, years of experience, and education. The highest paid factory workers will earn EUR17,908 in 2022. The salaries shown here are based on salary surveys conducted by ERI. The cost of living is based on real housing sales data from commercial sources, including tax rates and gasoline.
The average factory worker in Malta earns EUR3,220 per month. This is much lower than the EUR31,824 that is paid for those with bachelor’s degrees. However, higher education levels lead to higher salaries. The average factory worker salary in Malta is based on the salary distribution within a profession. Higher education equates to higher pay, but there is no one set salary.

A high level of English proficiency is required for a factory worker’s job, but other skills are helpful, too. A good knowledge of Italian and Maltese may prove useful. Experience and qualifications are also essential, and foreign degrees are a huge plus. Most factory workers are paid between €1,250 and €3,600 per month, depending on their experience. It may be helpful to consult with the government to ensure that you’re eligible for the position.
Job requirements for a factory worker in Malta
What do you need to become a factory worker in Malta in 2022? The average salary for Factory WORKER in Malta is EUR3,220 a month. The median salary for this profession is just over 5,680 EUR and the 25th percentile is just below. Obviously, your salary will vary according to your experience, but it is important to know that there is no single minimum or maximum salary for this job.
For foreign legal professionals, a work license is required to be employed in Malta. This license is issued by a Maltese company and must be obtained well in advance. It is vital to find a job in advance and sign an employment contract. Failure to do so will result in heavy fines for the Maltese company and possible deportation. For locals, the application process is easy.

To become a factory worker in Malta, you will need to have a good level of English and Maltese language skills. Maltese and English are the two official languages, but a foreign degree is an added plus. Additionally, the minimum wage for this job will be €4,800. You will also need to have experience in manufacturing, as well as possessing a good level of dexterity and accuracy.
Average salary for a production worker in Malta
The average salary for a production worker in Malta is currently around 3,220 EUR a month. It is worth noting that more than half of these workers make less than this amount, while the other half earn more. It is important to note that the median salary is the midpoint, and it is likely that your pay will fall somewhere in between. You can find more detailed statistics about the average salary of a production worker in Malta by following this link.
Salaries for production managers in Malta range from 3,770 to 12,300 EUR per month. This figure is inclusive of housing, transportation, and other benefits. Salaries vary widely according to the experience and skills of the production manager and their location. The average annual salary for a production worker in Malta will likely increase by 7% from the current year’s rate, but will likely decrease slightly in the future.
The minimum wage in Malta is a government-mandated amount. No worker can be paid less than this amount, and employers who fail to comply with this law may be fined. In most countries, the minimum wage is the minimum amount that a production worker is legally entitled to earn. If you’re looking for a job in Malta, you may want to consider earning at least that much.
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